
The Ultimate List of Connection for SSL Certificates

what does it mean when a site is not secure

An SSL certificate is a data file that works as an encryption and validation tool for online transactions, assuring the customer that the transaction is secure from any third-party interception. The SSL Certificate enables organizations to conduct business over the internet or enable their websites to function in a way they desire.

What Does It Mean When A Site Is Not Secure?

When we browse a website it shows a security warning message in browsers and which means the site is not secure. Some browsers like Google Chrome and other major browser displays a “Not Secure” warning when a user enters any type of sensitive information such as username, password, etc. because the HTTP protocol does not provide confidentiality to users’ browsing history or visited pages. SSL certificate acts as a trust mark for your customer which provides confidence that their data is secure as it will be encrypted during transfer between the client browser and web server hosting website.

What Are Different Types Of SSL Certificates?

As cybersecurity standards become more stringent, there are different types of certificates available for use by companies large and small. Although the most common version is the standard SSL, variations include Extended Validation (EV) certificates and Unified Communications (UC) certificates. All these certs forms perform similar functions but serve different purposes.

do i need ssl certificate

How Does An SSL Certificate Work? How Can I Recognize One?

When a user enters any data into a website’s form, a secure connection is created to securely send information from the web server. This type of connection only works on pages with SSL enabled. The SSL encrypts all transmitted data that passes between your computer and the server you are trying to connect with, allowing only authorized parties access to this information. A hacker can steal sensitive information such as passwords, credit card numbers, or social security numbers if you don’t have one of these certificates in place.

Do I Need SSL Certificate?

SSL certificates are mostly used on eCommerce websites to protect credit card details. Without SSL in place, any data that goes back and forth between the website and your browser can be intercepted by hackers or other third parties with only a few keyboard strokes. That’s why, if you are using an online payment gateway to send or receive information about payments. SSL is mandatory for most banks to transfer customers’ financial information securely through their websites. Usually, before issuing an SSL certificate, the issuer will check which type of encryption is being used by the website owner with reference to the TLS protocol version. TLS 1.2 is considered a more secure version than the older one because it provides strong protection against modern security threats when properly configured.

When Should You Use An SSL Certificate?

Whether you’ve received an email from your bank or an online retailer asking you to update your account details; whether you’re making purchases on your favorite shopping site; transferring money between accounts; paying bills – these are all situations where you need to be sure that the site you’re visiting is secure.

The little padlock in the corner of your browser shows you when you can feel safe transmitting personal information, but it only shows the strength of encryption used to protect data; it doesn’t show whether your connection is being monitored by a third party.

Do You Need More Than HTTPS?

If you run an online business and want to increase customer confidence, then SSL’s combination of trust and reassurance makes it a must-have. An SSL certificate helps create credibility with customers, increasing their trust in your business, resulting in more sales for you.

Social Media for SEO: How Social Media Affects SEO

social media for seo

Social media is a powerful tool when it comes to SEO. In this blog post, we will explore how social media affects your search engine rankings and how you can use social media for SEO.

In the past few years, social media has become an integral part of marketing strategies in all niches. Websites that have a strong following on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram typically rank higher than those that do not. Not only does social-media engagement affect your Google ranking, but also increases user trust in your brand and drives traffic to your website from other sites where people share content from your site.

What are some steps you can take today to improve SEO with social media

1) Create a profile on popular social media sites

The first step towards improving your social media marketing efforts is to set up profiles on the most popular platforms for your industry. It’s important that you create a professional brand image by using an appropriate profile picture and filling out all fields of interest, location, etc…

By spending time creating these profiles, you are already taking steps towards increasing traffic to your website. Don’t forget about LinkedIn! This site will help search engines know who you are in real life, as well as what company/website you’re affiliated with.

how social media affects seo

2) Sharing your content on social media

After you have created a professional profile, it’s time to start sharing relevant and helpful information with your followers. This can be done in two ways: either by creating posts that contain directly linked back to the site or embedded videos which will open up in a new window when clicked, taking users away from their feed but still sending them off to an interesting article they might not otherwise come across. The key is finding a balance between how often you share promotional material and how much “free” content you post for readers’ enjoyment/benefit.

It’s important during this process not only to set goals (i.e., number of people reached) but also to track metrics such as clicks, retweets, likes, etc. Data is key to social media marketing, so the more you have, the better equipped you’ll be when it comes time for strategy meetings.

3) Not only does high-quality, relevant content make it easier for social media users to like and share your posts (which in turn helps you grow a following), but search engines also appreciate well-written pages.

While SEO results can definitely be improved by adding social sharing buttons on blog posts (and vice versa), don’t let the pursuit of higher rankings become an excuse to sacrifice writing quality. When blog post headlines are catchy and page copy is thorough, that’s usually enough incentive online readers need to click through –– leading them to pass along information about your services or products organically via retweets and reposts.


In today’s digital world, businesses need to be everywhere. From SEO and social media marketing for a company website or blog posts written on platforms such as Facebook, Twitter can help you with an online presence which will increase the number of potential customers who find your business through search engines like Google when they are looking up relevant information about what goods/services exist in this particular marketplace at any given time during their day (and there isn’t always consistency).